
Steve gets a foundation license!

After years of mucking around with radios and a stalled attempt to get an advanced amateur radio license, I got talked into taking the foundation license study/exam session run by Amateur Radio Victoria. The foundation license is a newish class of amateur radio license that allows the operator to use up to 10 watts transmitter power on:

  • 3.5 - 3.7 MHz (80 metres)
  • 7.0 - 7.3 MHz (40 metres)
  • 21 - 21.45 MHz (15 metres)
  • 28 - 29.7 MHz (10 metres)
  • 144 - 148 MHz (2 metres)
  • 430 - 450 MHz (70cm)

For those interested in starting out with radio communications, you should check out this course. It’s great for people with no previous experience, and a great way to get on air.

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