Stable Release 13.0 now available!
After a few months of work, here comes Stable Release 13!
The change log is as follows: Release 13.0 (02 Sept 2008):
- NEW: Naked build now available.
- NEW: Naked Big Storage build now available.
- NEW: Device Update - keeps your device up to date with apps and things.
- Removed all but default theme. Install more via Device Update
- Fixed blgloss theme issues (thanks to augrunt)
- Few minor graphical tweaks
- Tweaked file cache, glyph cache etc for hopefully a bit more performance.
- Fixed issue with non-advanced mode in ActiveSync
- Cooked in .Net Framework 3.5 into all builds
- Fixed start menu problems (thanks abusalza)
- Fixed multi-selection of messages in tmail.exe (Email Application)
- Fixed the disappearing act with the taskbar and HTC X Button
- Removed SQM
- Added IrDA stack
- Found errror in coredll.dll that stopped Windows Live Search from working correctly.
- Re-ported XIP from Kaiser to correct corruption in coredll.dll and possibly others
- Windows Live Search tested ok.
- Removed useless Zip Viewer from Office CAB
- Defaulted OBEX transfers to ON (previously this was OFF)
- Removed Bluetooth FTP Client (Who really uses this? )
- Repack Office 2007 to hopefully fix some issues.
- Reduce X-Button auto-close threshold to 2Mb free RAM (Thanks hardcore)
- Ported Windows Mobile 6.1 build 20270
- Ported XIP build 20270 from Kaiser
Grab it now and happy flashing!
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