Star Trek Meets Monty Python
Every now and again a video comes along that just makes you burst out laughing.
This is it.
Every now and again a video comes along that just makes you burst out laughing.
This is it.
THE CSIRO has won another round in its lengthy battle in the US to collect millions of dollars in royalties for its 1996-patented Wireless LAN technology.
Last Friday, a US federal court granted the science agency’s application for an injunction to stop the Buffalo group of companies from infringing the CSIRO patent in the US.
The injunction prevents the sale of products using CSIRO-patented technology until a license is negotiated.
Hopefully this should see the start of the CSIRO starting to get some royalties for patents used in 802.11a/g based equipment that were researched and developed at CSIRO.
It seems Apple has been lagging behind releasing a general update for Java for OSX Tiger. Rumour has it that Leopard will include java 1.6, however some people need it now. The good news is that it can be installed on Tiger now with the following steps.
# cd /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions
# sudo rm CurrentJDK
(enter your password)
# sudo ln -s 1.6 CurrentJDK
This will set Java 1.6 to be your default java installation.
After looking around and not finding any decent script to read the weather for Asterisk, I decided to write my own.
The code is downloadable here. Save the file to /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/getweather.agi.
To use this script in Asterisk, copy the following into /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf:
exten => 997,1,Answer
exten => 997,2,agi,getweather.agi
exten => 997,3,Hangup
Update 6/6: I’ve updated this script to v1.1 now. I’ve fixed up a parsing error and also added more wind directions - the BOM add more than I thought ;)
Every once in a while, you just find something on the Internet that fills you with awe and makes you look goofy staring at the screen with a grin plastered on your face. May I present one such site. Micro Maniac. Click on the items there to watch various things put into a microwave until they either melt down, explode, or do other funky things. Great viewing :)