Steve's Blog

Up to 6 months FREE ADSL2+!

Ok, this deal is just too good to not let everyone know…. My ISP is currently offering 6 months FREE ADSL2+ if you sign up with a 24 month contract, or 3 months FREE ADSL2+ if you sign up with a 12 month contract.

The details are available on my ISPs website. If you do sign up, put as the referrer to help offset hosting costs for this site, and Melbourne Wireless’ site.

Avalon International Airshow 2007

Well, I was very lucky this year to score a free trade pass from the ATSB and as always, the event didn’t disappoint. Jim LeRoy in the ‘BULLDOG’ was spectacular. His aircraft control skills are just superb. If you are heading to the airshow and only see one flying event, make sure you see this guy.

I’ve thrown some picture together of the day here for people to enjoy. Make sure you take special notice of the pics of Jim throwing the bulldog around!

The were a couple of things that did annoy me. The way the defense forces were using the event as a recruiting event. I lost count of the number of times I was asked to join the army/navy/air force. It seems to be much worse this year than it has been at previous air shows. The other thing was that at every display that the USAF did, they made it obvious that they were pushing their agenda on “the war on terror” and “fighting terrorists” - thankfully, when it got a mention, most people in the crowds just laughed. It’s good to see that Australians haven’t lost touch with reality like our friends in the U.S.A have.

Online personality test

Well, I’ve always kinda been curious how these online tests work, and always found it strange that a maths formula based on seemingly unrelated questions could come up with a good insight into peoples personality. It was kinda strange when I did this particular test which I believe to be pretty accurate in some areas, however some seem to be way off. Maybe it’s a clever generalisation where people think it’s accurate because people pick out the things that they wish to see in themselves?

My Personality

Openness To Experience
You are neither a subdued loner nor a jovial chatterbox. You enjoy time with others but also time alone. You can be very easily upset, even by what most people consider the normal demands of living. People consider you to be extremely sensitive and emotional. As a practical person you like to think in plain and simple terms. Others describe you as down-to-earth, practical, and conservative. People see you as tough, critical, and uncompromising and you have less concern with others' needs than with your own. You are reasonably reliable, organized, and self-controlled.

Test Yourself Compare Yourself View Full Report

Click here to take the most insightful personality test.

I wouldn’t mind a few of you people to take this test and see how closely it matches your personality and make a post in the comments about it. While I think the basic description is a little lacking, click on the full report to get a more indepth reading….

Airservices update Australian DAPs

Airservices has released the next cycle of Australian Airport DAPs for 13-MAR-2007. My script is currently running to combine these PDFs into one for each aerodrome and should be finished within the hour.

You can obtain the latest charts here. (hint: Check the last modified date!)