Steve's Blog

Site upgraded to WordPress 2

It looks like a couple of days ago, WordPress 2 was released. Today I set about installing it on here - and I have to say, I’m quite impressed. While most of the changes are below the surface, the admin side of things is MUCH quicker and easier to work with. I hope they keep up the good work :)

Merry Christmas to all!

It’s that time of year again when things go crazy. Although I’m working through the Christmas period again this year, I wish you all a Merry Christmas, and hope you are all safe and well for the start of another great year. Cheers!

ADU-218 Updates

Wow, it’s been ages since I’ve manually compiled a kernel for Linux. Things have changed a lot! There’s a ton more stuff that I didn’t even realise was there (and I’m making lots of bum kernels! :)) John has made some updates to make the driver module work under kernel version

I’m working on getting this going now, as there’s a great deal of excitement when putting this on the same machine as an RFID reader, 1 wire temp sensors, and electronic door locks etc :)

Asterisk Updates

Yay, I’ve just completed the move to put asterisk on it’s own machine. Means I can play a bit more! I’ve set it up with 1.2.0, and actually put in SRV records in the domain - which in theory lets anyone call me just by calling

I had one issue while moving across, but the guys in #asterisk on rock :) I’ve also updated my e164 records - so if you use asterisk and e164’s enum service, you can call me for free - transparently!